Determining how much home you can actually afford goes beyond the list price of a property. Other factors that will affect your monthly payment include interest rates, 税, 保险, 收入, 债务, 以及未来每月的开支——这只是其中的几个例子. 虽然市面上有很多“负担能力”计算器, 首先了解整个情况是很重要的.

Before you buy, take action to determine how much home you can afford.

预算Assess your financial readiness to determine what you can afford – both in terms of monthly housing-related costs and total cost of a home. 检查你的月收入和消费习惯, 然后决定你能花多少钱, 包括抵押贷款和房屋相关费用.

在你申请抵押贷款之前, 你应该知道你大概能买得起多少房子. First, do you have any savings or money that you are able to put towards a down payment? 首页buyers commonly put between 5 and 20% of the total cost of the home as a down payment. While lenders will ultimately determine the size of loan for which you qualify, you can still get an idea about an affordability range – this number can help inform your home search. One estimate is that borrowers can generally afford a mortgage that equals two to three times their annual household 收入. 你能付的金额, 加上你的抵押贷款, 能给你一个你能买得起的房子的总成本的感觉吗.


除了了解你能负担得起多少, it is important to know some of the factors that lenders consider when determining the terms of the loan for which you may qualify. Most lenders will judge your loan worthiness in four general ways - these are sometimes called the “Four Cs” of loan and credit. We’ll explore some important calculations related to the “Four Cs” so you can better understand how lenders review your financial history and determine your mortgage amount.



One of the calculations that lenders use to determine the amount of your loan is your 债务-to-收入 ratio, 或DTI. 这是“4c”“能力”评估的一部分.” Your DTI compares your monthly 债务 payments to your monthly 收入, 也让出借人觉得你有偿还债务的能力. 在一般情况下, DTI越低, 你就能更好地平衡债务和收入, 你就越有可能被批准借款. Many sources say that 43% is generally the highest DTI a borrower can have and still qualify for a mortgage.

计算你的DTI, first determine your monthly 收入; you can do this by reviewing your paycheck or online deposit history, 或者将你的年总收入除以12. 然后,确定你每月的债务支出. 这些往往是你每月支付的固定成本. 最后,用你每月的债务支出除以你每月的收入. Even if you do not know the precise amount of your monthly 收入 or 债务, estimating your DTI is a helpful step in better understanding how potential lenders might evaluate your loan worthiness. 


除了“容量”,” “credit” is another of the “Four Cs” that can have a big impact on your home buying journey. Lenders consider your credit score when determining whether to make a loan and the amount that a loan will be for. Your credit score is a three-digit numerical rating that reflects how likely you are to repay your 债务. 在一般情况下, 你的信用评分越高(或越强), 你得到的抵押贷款条件就越好. The Fair 信贷 Reporting Act (FCRA) allows you to receive one free copy of your credit report each year from one of the nationwide credit reporting agencies. 你可以去看年度信用报告.来索取你今天的报告. 当你查看你的信用报告, you can plan or begin to take any necessary steps to start improving your credit score.

Deciding to buy a home is a big step, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Knowing the questions to ask and things you can do to get started will help you make the decision that is best for you! At 阿伯财政服务局l, we’re here to help you navigate this exciting time and will always be just a phone call or click away.
